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    发布日期:2025-01-22 14:41    点击次数:128

          左:美国繁荣华埠田士锐主席;右:《邓婷访谈》创始人邓婷Murphy  1《Murphy Interviews》: President TIAN, should you please introduce yourself to global audiences?  《邓婷访谈》:田士锐主席您好,请您和全球的朋友们问候!  Better Chinatown U.S.A President TIAN:我是美国繁荣华埠总会主席,纽约第三届亚裔传统文化大游行盛典的主办方田士锐。感谢纽约市长亚当斯、9个亚太裔国家驻纽约总领事、著名侦探李昌钰博士、纽约工商界翘楚团体、选美赛事主办方等众机构参与亚太裔花车大游行盛典。  美国繁荣华埠总会田主席:I’m Better China Town President & the New York 3rd Asia America Pacific Cultural Heritage Parade organizer. Welcome New York Mayor Eric Adams, 9 Asia-pacific countries consul-general in New York, Dr. Henry C.Lee,New York business leaders, beauty pageant organizers, and other organizations to attend the Asia Pacific Cultural Heritage Float Parade.    左:纽约市长亚当斯讲话;右:中国驻纽约总领事黄屏大使讲话  2《Murphy Interviews》:President TIAN,you’re the founder of Better Chinatown U.S.A. Should you please introduce to global audiences what's the goal of holding the Annual New York AAPI Cultural Heritage Parade?  《邓婷访谈》:田士锐主席,请问您举办年度亚太裔传统文化大游行盛典的初衷是什么?  Better Chinatown U.S.A President TIAN:This event aims to celebrate the Asia Pacific Heritage Month in May, promote cultural exchange among Asia Pacific people, promote Chinese culture, and promote friendship between China and the United States.  《邓婷访谈》:此次活動旨在慶祝五月的亞太裔傳統月,推廣亞太裔文化交流,推動中華文化以及中美友好。    3《Murphy Interviews》:What’s the highlights of this year's grand parade compared to previous years?  《邓婷访谈》:请问田主席,2024龙年的亚太裔传统文化大游行盛典与往年相比,有哪些特色?  Better Chinatown U.S.A President TIAN:Our grand parade this year is as grand as ever, with all ethnic groups celebrating the May Asia America Pacific Traditional Culture float Parade together.  美国繁荣华埠总会田主席:我们今年的大游行盛典和往年一样盛况空前,各族裔共同庆祝五月亚太裔传统文化大游行。    4《Murphy Interviews》:President Tian, as a senior New York Chinatown resident and renowned overseas Chinese, yourself has become a symbol of Chinatown in New York! May I ask how do you recommend Chinatown to friends around the world?  《邓婷访谈》:田主席,您作为纽约唐人街资深居民,著名侨领,您本身已经成为纽约唐人街华埠的符号!请问您如何向全球的朋友们推介纽约华埠?  Better Chinatown U.S.A President TIAN:Chinatown in New York is a symbol of Chinese culture, where overseas Chinese friends strive and live happily. World people coexistence Harmony.  美国繁荣华埠总会田主席:纽约唐人街是华人的象征,华人华侨朋友们在此奋斗拼搏,安居乐意。世界大和谐。    5《Murphy Interviews》:Should you please let global audiences know what other events will be held this year? And what grand events do you hold each year? As I know the Annual New Year Firecracker Festival is also hold by you.  《邓婷访谈》:您能否向全球观众朋友们预告,今年还将举办哪些活动?以及您每年都会举办哪些盛会?  Better Chinatown U.S.A President TIAN:Each of our activities has been integrated into America mainstream society, while showcasing the unique charm of Chinese culture. The May Asia America Pacific Traditional Culture Parade, the October China National Day Parade, and the Lunar New Year's Firecracker Culture Festival have all become annual celebrations eagerly anticipated by New York residents. At the same time, many tourists from other countries also came to join the grand event.  美国繁荣华埠总会田主席:我们举办的活动都融入了美国主流社会,像曼哈顿亚太裔传统文化大游行,中国国庆大游行,新春炮竹文化节等。这些盛会,已经成为纽约各族裔民众年度期待的庆典。同时,有许多其它国际的游客慕名而来,专门参加游行盛典。        



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